My name is Ashley Higginson and my Husbands aunt Lisa Kelly has pancreatic cancer and we are trying to support her every way that we can ... If you're a rock and roll fan or if you have ever listened to a rock station in the Chico area since 1986, you know Lisa Kelly. She is one of the preeminent rock and roll radio "on-air-personalities" in Northern California. For almost 30 years she has been one of the most popular and recognizable DJ's on radio stations KFM (93.9), Thunder (100.7), and the Hippo (back to 93.9.) The bad news: Lisa Kelly was recently diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. She is now in a great deal of pain and has been forced to greatly reduce her work schedule. The good news: Surgery is being scheduled as soon as possible (very soon) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) medical facility. The procedure is a very invasive and complicated operation. Her recovery time will be lengthy and will not allow her to work for a while.The bad news: Lisa Kelly can use some help to get over the "lean times" facing her with the recovery time she will have to endure. Her dependents (dogs Leia, Clapton, and Burnie) are on Lisa's mind and the loss of work means loss of pay until the system catches up. It's a very serious concern for her.The good news: Her fans and friends can help with a donation through this entity and let Lisa Kelly know we appreciate her and wish her well. In her work she has often supported many well-known charities and her credo has always been "Everyone needs a friend to keep them company and everybody needs music." Lisa Kelly, and those of us who love her, would greatly appreciate your help in making this very difficult time of her life more manageable. Rock on........
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