

Hi, my name is Christy, my mom is Linda Howington. I am the oldest daughter with one sister. Mom recently (3 weeks ago) found out she had pancreatic cancer. Thankfully my sister and I were able to convince her to go to the doctor due to her being so jaundice. She was reluctant to go, but made the appointment to make my sister and I happy. After the initial visit, she was sent for a CT scan, and before we could get back to her house, her doctor was calling for me to take mom back to the hospital, to the ER, where she was immediately admitted for further testing. After some blood work, more scans, etc she honestly was barely hanging on. We didn’t realize just how bad it was. After 4 days in the hospital, I was fortunate enough to stay with her so she wasn’t alone, she had a stint placed, which has helped a lot. Yesterday mom had to have an internal ultrasound done, so she was once again “put under” so they could get more tissue to run another biopsy Tomorrow, july 20, she has to have another procedure done to get an IVC placed due to having a blood clotting disorder. On Wednesday the 26th, she is having what’s called a WHIPPLE procedure done which will take about 6-8 hours with a hospital stay of 6-10 days to follow. Afterwards, she will have to do Chemo and Radiation. Mom has been at her job with Defender for over 36 years, raised my sister and I and also has always helped us out and anyone else she could along the way. Even going without herself many many times. I am helping mom file for her short term disability, but even with insurance, the medical bills along with household bills are adding up quickly. Setting up a “LFEBridge” was suggested to me to set up for her because mom has never and will not ask for help. I did get this approved by her as she was reluctant to do so. If anyone would like to help with the funds it will only be used for medical and house bills and any amount is greatly appreciated.

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