

 Hello family and friends, our dear Simon Gloria has gone to be with the Lord. He found a long battle last night. He held on as much as possible while his beautiful family remained at his side for his final moments here with us. Many can give testimony that he left us for a short moment of time and came back, that is our dear Burr. You can never forget something so moving as that. I would like to think that God gave Burr the opportunity to see heaven and come back to let his loving wife, children, grandchildren, mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins, and other extended family members and friends know that it is a miraculous place of peace and serenity and he will be very happy there where he would protect his loved ones from up above and live eternity pain free. Now that the Simon Gloria family has a guardian angel in heaven, we have the opportunity to help his strong kind hearted wife Meche Gloria on his behalf. This is a campaign to help Meche moving forward with the aftermath of such a loss. This is to help with any monetary needs, as there are many that only she knows personally. We love you Meche and hope this contribution helps you in your time of need. Thank you everyone.             Our Original Campaign:As the holidays are upon us we all joyously begin to plan our family gatherings and plan festivities in hopes of closing a glorious 2015. I wish I could say that nothing could get in the way of this time that we find warmth and happiness to be with loved ones. At any moment, and not by choice, our paths redirect and priorities change. This is the unfortunate truth for our family and dear friends, the Gloria’s. Simon Gloria, the devoted father of this family is now in the hospital fighting congestive heart failure along with other complications in critical condition and we are in hopes that he return to good heath very soon. Simon has a long battle to overcome but with faith and prayer we know that God listens and is by his side. Alongside is Mary Gloria, Simon’s lovely and humble wife, who remains there day and night, watching his progress while she awaits prognosis updates from doctors and nurses as Simon goes thru medical procedures daily. Most family and friends know them as Burr and Meche. We all know that it is an all-day thing, waiting for doctors to come in and to hear updates on labs, tests, procedures, medications, etc. and as a result of being there, Mary has unfortunately lost her job. Family and friends come and visit Burr, his wife Meche, their kids and grandchildren who sit in the waiting room as we await good news. We come together to provide emotional support and big hugs of comfort for Burr’s family. But like always, we want to do more, we cannot take the pain away or make Simon walk out of the hospital to return home quickly and in good health that is in the hands of the Lord, we accept that. But what we can do is help Simon Gloria with medical expenses, the act is priceless and we as a group can join in a humane act of kindness and consideration for this family during such a difficult time. No one wants to be in this position ever and especially at this time of the year but we can all be here at any given moment. Let’s all come together and help the Simon Gloria family with the medical expenses that we all know do not go away, continue to pile up and only makes matters worse while one is coping with this difficult situation. As we know it can be very hard for a family to agree to monetary contributions, but frankly our dear Meche was blindsided by her husband’s critical illness. God bless Simon Gloria and his family. We thank you for your act of kindness.

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