

Hi my name is Denmark. I am a lupus warrior and a kidney failure warrior. Back in 2015 I was diagnosed with Lupus. Unfortunately due to this terrible chronic disease my life has changed tremendously. I have been in and out of the hospital due to lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks your body. In my case it has attacked all my major organs. It has attacked my heart, lungs and unfortunately my kidneys. Due to my kidneys being attacked I went into kidney failure and the journey has been long. I am a father and a husband. I am looking for a kidney donor which is all I really want. My blood type is O+. If I find a kidney donor I will be getting a transplant which will have me out of work for a good month or two. I am the type of person who does not like to ask for help but I have to put my pride to the side. Once I received my transplant, I will have many medical bills and expenses along with being out of work. The money will be used for medical bills, medical expenses and paying rent etc. I am asking for donations and prayers. Unfortunately my insurance won’t cover my surgery fully. Even if people donate one dollar I will forever will be thankful. Please help me find a kidney and help me with my gofund me. My family and I really appreciate it. Donations will go towards 1. Medical bills 2. Medical expenses 3. Surgery due to insurance not covering the surgery fully 4. Being out of work expenses until I get back on my feet 5. The donor surgery that insurance won’t cover 

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