(Update 7/31): Most of you probably already know that Candi is still fighting this thing. Unfortunately the road that we thought was the beginning of her recovery, only led her back into the hospital last Sunday with excruciating pain. She was released yesterday, after ANOTHER weeklong stay which still didn’t result in a full comeback. She now has a drain that she has to wear at home due to more abscesses they found, and she’s still experiencing much discomfort and pain. She’ll be going in again tomorrow for a CT scan to check if there’s progress. Please keep her in your thoughts. This has been so hard on her and it breaks my heart to not hear that vigor that is normally in her voice. Please share this if you can, and continue to send love and healing thoughts her way. Thank you all so much for the continued support❤️ Hi everyone! As most of you know, our Candi girl has been in the hospital for the last five days now due to a ruptured appendix and infection. She’s been in a lot of pain and unsure when she’ll be able to go home yet. We all know how tough this girl is, but we all need a lil help sometimes. Being in the hospital for almost a week takes a tremendous toll. Not only physically but also financially and mentally as we’re not able to tend to everyday life and stay afloat. And stress does not help the body heal! So let’s help alleviate some of that stress for this amazing human so she can get back on her feet. If we all put in what we can, however big or small, we can do great things as a community! All donations will go directly to Candi and Joe. You can also Venmo her directly @MariaPoppins or Zelle: Candice N. Jimenez
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