

Hi everyone my name is Brelyn and I fundraising to help with legal fees that will allow my family to keep my two cousins together. This past week my cousins went on a visit with their mother while one returned home the youngest did not. By doing this it has caused a detrimental shift in these boys' lives since they have finally been together for 6 years now. It has been since the beginning they have not been in a stable environment for more than 1-2 years with their mother. Starting off living with their mom then uprooted to live with other family members, friends of their mothers and babysitters. Finally, after difficulties with the oldest, who has been moved around all his life since 2 weeks old, His mom allowed him to live with his great-aunt and cousins. Being as though he was a troubled kid going through so much as a young child it was a lot of rebuilding that took place to have him become the young man he is today. During this period we then found out his younger brother ( staying with a babysitter that had him for 3 months with no contact from his mom) also needed a stable environment as well. My family agreed with their mom's consent to take care of my two younger cousins. We have had the oldest since the end of 2017 and the youngest in early 2018. When we took on this role as a village the main goal was to help keep them together and in a stable environment. From this time until the present, they have grown so much! They both have rebuilt their trust in people, their educational growth has increased tremendously, they have been involved in sports, involved in church, involved in therapy, and overall have a place to just call home! Amid everything they have been through we always allowed their Mom to see them when she could and as a family, we met her where she was at. This is why the legal route was not in the original plan everyone knows it hurts both parties and it can become messy. As of now, we have to put family aside and do what's truly best for these boys since they have been through so much already at a young age. Our main goal is to continue to have the children reside together as a unit. Our state is requiring legal documentation to proceed with them staying with us. Currently, their mom wants to take custody of the youngest child and she has him with her until we meet with a judge to decide their fate. Our family wants to be represented by proper counsel to support and help us continue to keep them in the same residence that they have been in for the past 6 years. Anything you give is greatly appreciated all funds will be spent on getting a lawyer to support us in court. Until we come up with the full amount we cannot proceed further, and the court date will be approaching sooner than later. Please share and thank you everyone for taking the time to support our family.

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