

Hello my name is Maddison and my beautiful little baby girl is Laylah. She was born on July 7th at 3:35pm. Weighing 7lbs and 19 inches long. The first 24 hours was the happiest day of mine and my fiancé Justin’s life. We were able to hold her and take pictures with her (Picture below). We were ready to take her home. However, when Laylah became a day old. Our nurse discovered that her oxygen was only at 70%. She was taken to the NICU for further testing. That’s when our whole world turned upside down. Laylah was diagnosed with TAPVR (Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return). Meaning one of her veins with oxygen rich blood was supposed to connect to the left side heart but never it. Instead, that vain connect to the right side of her heart, mixing oxygen rich blood and non-oxygen rich blood. The blood was able to flow to the right and left side due to a hole that allowed the blood to flow into both chambers of the heart. However, after a couple weeks that hole closes. Laylah would have had two different cycles in her heart. If that happened, she would have died. She was immediately rushed to Sunrise hospital for emergency open heart surgery to reconnect that vain. The surgery was the longest 4 to 5 hours of our lives. When it was finally over and successful, she had to have her poor little chest left open for 2 days. She is on 13 different medication, has a breathing tube down her throat, a temporary pacemaker, and a drainage tub in her chest. She’ll be in the hospital for about 2 weeks. For just being a couple days old, she has been the toughest little girl we’ve ever met. I couldn’t imagine my life without our beautiful girl. The money we’re asking for will help us with medical bills for our little Laylah. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story.

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