

LACHIE TUCKER - Help support Lachie’s lifelong battle with a severe form of epilepsy. Lachie had his first seizure at three months old in January of 2024. Little did his parents, Jason and Ally know, that this would be the first of many. Many ambulance trips, hospital admissions, multiple injections, lots of heartbreaks and far too many life threatening seizures. Lachie went through countless amounts of testing. This finally led to his diagnosis of a very rare gene mutation, linked with a severe form of epilepsy that is resistant to treatment, known as Dravet syndrome. Lachie currently has hundreds of myoclonic seizures every single day (yes hundreds), and convulsive tonic clonic seizures averaging two a week, that require a rescue medication at home, which lead to ambulance trips back to the hospital. At times Lachies seizures can be extremely difficult to stop and in these cases, he has been required to be intubated in ICU. Even the common cold or illness will continue to land him back in the hospital and potentially means more ICU admissions. He is currently on five different medications which sadly are yet to give him any control of his seizures. Jason, Ally and Lachies lives have forever been turned upside down. They are living a very isolated life and have endured countless sleepless nights, living in constant fear of what the next day may bring and not knowing what the future holds for their Lachie. To give you just a tiny snapshot into their life with Lachie, imagine being scared to change your baby's nappy or feed them as he may have a seizure. Imagine being too scared to leave the house or have friends visit as their child may give Lachie a cold that risks putting him in an induced coma. Imagine your camera roll being full of seizure videos and pictures of hospital visits when it should instead be full of their happy memories as a family. Always making sure hospital bags are packed. Awaiting that dreaded phone call from one parent to the other "Lachies having a seizure". Jason and Ally have had to become full-time carers since February with the likelihood of only one of them ever returning to work. Lachie is going to need lifelong support through the help of many different therapies and specialists. They are very grateful for the love and support of their friends and family but we all know the financial burden this places on them. Let’s rally together and help them in any way that we can. Any donation big or small will be greatly appreciated. At the very least, share their story to raise awareness for this cruel, severe epilepsy syndrome.

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