Hey there Everyone Eddy here, or to some, Spar-Kelly Well, as many of you know, I damaged my knee (specifically, I crushed my meniscus) and have been on my road to recovery as fast as the American medical system can. Meaning, without money, it's 'we'll get to you when we can.' I have had side gigs cancelled, and hours at work cut significantly. For those that know me, I thank you all for helping me stay positive and keeping me involved. This has been a rough (over) 2 months, not only physically, but mostly financially and mentally. Now for the plea: I hate asking for hand-outs. Many of you know I prefer to be the one that can treat others, or volunteer for a good fundraiser in the community, BUT, here we are. I'm behind on rent, bills, and medical costs. I was just notified over the weekend that the surgery I have scheduled this week will require an upfront co-pay of almost $700, [*edit: they messed up in orignial message and just surprised me with an extra thousand dollars. its around $1700 for the surgery] otherwise I will have to reschedule and that could be another few weeks, maybe over another month. ("but why is the goal higher?") I'm glad you ask: The goal is set a little higher so I can also get caught up on my Emergency room co-pay from the initial visit, which is around $300, and $200 for the mobility knee brace and medication I will need after surgery. [*Edit: I added $300 to the original goal because I found out I have a co-pay I owe from my pre-op tests I had done] *I'm not asking for my other expenses, such as rent, cc bills, gas, thrills, etc. I am hopeful for extra work after surgery to fix those on my own* I am at my own personal low right now; scratching at the moments I can to stay above the seas of depression. So, this is me publicly asking for it, for once, instead of trying to keep face for the crowd. I need help. .
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