Update, Krystal was born this past weekend and the baby and Mom are doing great. Krystal weighed in at 7lbs 7oz, 19.5 inches long. Kipp is still a few weeks out from physical labor but is recovering slowly. Kipp Shaw, a valued member of his community, has fallen on hard times and is reaching out to that community for assistance. Kipp, a father of five with a new baby due this month, was admitted to Marin General in late July with a severe fever and staph infection. Kipp is the sole source of income for his family as a contract electrician. Thankfully Kipp is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery but his rehabilitation will take weeks and since he is self-employed he hasn't been able to claim disability insurance. While a very proud man, Kipp is hoping that our community can help his family get through this time with donations to help offset his lost wages. Kipp and his wife Amy are expecting their new family addition on August 19th for a scheduled C-Section, helping take some stress off of their family will also be a blessing when that new baby arrives. Any amount is greatly appreciated by Kipp and his entire family.
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