

Hello, my name is Lauren I am fundraising on behalf of my cousins Josh and Kimberlie Young and their two young children. Kim was a very healthy active young woman only 46 years old. Josh and Kim had their future plans made, when On July 5th tragedy struck their family and everything changed. Josh called Kim to talk to her in the evening as their daily routine, due to his line of work he is out of town often. This night was different he spoke with her around 7pm normal conversation nothing out of the norm, she was going to get in the shower and call him once she was out. Josh waited an hour passed , then thirty more minutes went by, no call and no answer. Josh called the neighbor to see if they could go to the house to check on her, moments later they went over no outside light on nor any answer. At this time it is 9pm, Josh headed towards home to arrive around 1am to find her laying on the ground next to their bed were she was unable to speak to let Josh know what happened. The ambulance came and took her to Kaweah Medical Hospital then life flighted her to USC Keck in Los Angeles due to a mass on her heart causing a massive stroke. By 8am on July 6th she was in brain surgery to try and repair the damage that had occurred during the stroke. Three days following open heart surgery she went back to surgery to remove the mass that caused the stroke. Where she remained in ICU for two weeks. Kim was then transferred from USC Keck on July 19th back to Kaweah Hospital where they have her medically stable to get to the next steps of recovery. On July 26th she was relocated to Kaweah advanced Rehabilitation Hospital where she will be for the next 14 days. The next steps after that are now all pending on finances to give Kim a 100% fighting chance at gaining her independence to be self efficient. This unexpected challenge is not only emotionally challenging but an extreme financial burden. I am hoping as many people as possible will help me give Kim a fighting chance at recovery so she can go to a Neurology Rehabilitation Center that specializes in stroke patients here in Bakersfield, unfortunately insurance is stating it will be out of pocket $37K a month. Josh is navigating through this challenge with his wife and children as he best he can as he wants to give her the best chance at a good quality of life. She is a very strong woman definitely fighting hard and not giving up. I ask each of you to help where you can. We need all the prayers we can get and any donations are greatly appreciated. Kim is fighting for us, so we will continue to fight for her. Words can't express the gratitude for everyone that has and is helping Kim and Josh as well as their two kids Ashley and Cole through this very hard time. God Bless you all.

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