

Hello, My name is Cameron Stefanski. I am making this Go fund me because recently I shared my story of my need for a kidney transplant blew up on social media. I’ve received an incredible amount of support and love, and even an enormous amount of people offering to give up their own kidney. Because of the amazing amount of support I have decided to make this go fund me, to donate most of the profits to both make a wish foundation specifically for children with end stage renal failure, along with hopefully finding a few families in a similar condition as I am. Luckily I’m blessed with a supportive family, community and friends, but some people don’t have that luxury! Let’s blow this fundraiser up so I can help other people in this position, aswell as ease my own medical bills for my family and I. If you can’t afford a donation, a share can even go a long way! Thank you so much for all the love, support, and prayers. ABOUT ME: BELOW: For the last 7 months I’ve been on dialysis which includes hooking up to a machine 9 hours a night. It has completely turned my life upside down. Though I definitely keep my head up, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult. My family and I were hoping that my brother Jacob would be a match for a new kidney(as he was 9 years ago previously). Unfortunately over time when you are on the medications I was on during the previous transplant, and other blood transfusions, he no longer is a match.I’m making this post as a little bit of a cry for help, and I’m not the type to do it either. I thought that things would just sooner or later work itself out, but in this case, it seems never ending with no ending in site.

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