

Dear friends, loved ones, and compassionate humans, I’m reaching out today with a heartfelt plea to support one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, our beloved friend Kevin Badalian, as he fights for his life in the battle against Lyme disease. For those of you who don’t know, Kevin has been severely ill since 2012, and for the past 11 years, he has endured a heartbreaking string of debilitating symptoms and illnesses stemming from Lyme and his weakened immune system, which have left him unable to walk or even speak more than a few sentences at a time, let alone work, date, enjoy the company of friends and family, or do any of the thousands of simple things we all take for granted on a daily basis. Over the past 11 years, Kevin’s seen countless doctors and has been on nearly two dozen different protocols to treat his illness, all well-researched in advance, all expensive and out of pocket, but sadly, all with very limited success. In fact, Kevin’s condition has worsened to the point where he is now in a wheelchair and requires full-time care, the majority of which has been provided by his loving and devoted mother Karen, who has been a relentless and selfless caregiver, provider, and advocate for Kevin’s recovery, and who has centered her life around helping Kevin regain his own. Though she would never consider herself a hero, there are no words to measure her enormous sacrifice. Since Kevin's last LFEBridge several years ago, many new treatments have emerged for Lyme, a number of them generated by the current research into similar symptoms in long-COVID, which Kevin also has on top of Lyme. Although Kevin and his family are currently reviewing some of these treatments, and receiving some of the simple, lower-cost options, they have unfortunately seen little improvement in Kevin’s condition. At this critical juncture, the last line of defense for people with long-term chronic conditions is stem cells – which right now are well beyond Kevin’s reach financially, ranging anywhere from $15,000 - $50,000 or more for very ill patients who generally need a number of stem cell infusions. If they could afford to, Kevin’s family would use stem cell treatments in addition to other protocols designed to address different systems in the body, like parasites and gut health, pain, anxiety and loss of simple functions in the brain, and the drastic and continuous worsening of fatigue. For most of us, the pain, loneliness, and agonizing duration of this terrible illness would be enough to crush our spirits and extinguish hope, but NOT Kevin. Kevin is still here because he loves life and wants to try everything possible in order to live it; and because he is a warrior. He may not perceive himself that way but a warrior is someone who endures the most difficult of paths without giving up. He and all in similar situations are the most courageous of humans. Despite all he has endured, Kevin continues to fight with every ounce of strength in his body, but he can’t do it alone. To those of you who have already donated to support Kevin’s treatment, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have helped make previous treatments possible for him, some of which have helped in various ways, perhaps most of all by continuing to supply him with hope. Hope for a brighter future. Hope for life. For all who read this and sympathize with Kevin’s story, whether you know him personally or not, please know that this is a real opportunity to make an IMMENSE impact on the life of another human being. Stem cell treatments show real promise, and together we can give Kevin the best possible chance at recovery. For Kevin’s sake, we are humbly asking you to give whatever you can and to share Kevin’s story with as many people as you can, including organizations and individuals with the power and resources to make sizable donations. It’s impossible to express how much we appreciate whatever you can do, big or small. I know that with our help Kevin can get better, and the world can regain a shining light. With extreme love and gratitude, David and Friends of the Badalian Family

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