

Hi, my name is Dorothy and desperately need help. A couple of years ago I had a stroke and then a stroke in my right eye and unable to work. And now I'm having problems in my left eye. I require an injection in my eye every month which is extremely costly, on top of the expensive co pay! I'm trying to get on disability and now have used up what little retirement funds I had. I have no money coming in and need to pay bills, buy groceries and try to keep my health insurance. Disability case has not been approved yet. Dr. Bills are piling up. I have sleep apnea and can't afford my electric to get cut off. Now I have a blockage in my carotid artery and every time I go to a doctor something else comes up. I'm type II diabetic also. I'm getting depressed and some nights I don't sleep because I worry about how I'm going to survive till my case gets approved. I will use funds to get my electric fixed and pay my bills and survive till hopefully my case gets approved . I would appreciate your help and will pay it forward when I can!! Maxed all credit cards out paying for dr's visits, procedures that I am not able to receive anymore because I can't afford them, missing desperately needed appointments to maintain what little, very poor vision I have left. UPDATE: In the past two weeks my air conditioner went out in my truck and two days ago my refrigerator quit working.

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