

Fellow Westporters, We ask for your support! Sadly, two of our neighbors have been hit by cars while jogging in the last six months. Excessive traffic speed and pedestrian safety is a real and growing issue in our neighborhood. We want to take a positive step forward and start a dialogue about solutions.We have created A Go Fund Me Campaign KEEP CALM AND SLOW DOWN to raise money for two permanent, yet mobile, solar paneled radar signs that display vehicular speed. We want to install one on Imperial Avenue and one on Bridge Street. The signs would not rotate to other streets. Both Imperial Avenue and Bridge Street are feeder roads to town, transit, and the beach. It has been documented that these roads have cars that consistently travel at excessive speeds into pedestrian areas. Currently, there is no funding in the Westport budget to purchase additional traffic calming speed signs . However, the Police Department has agreed to partner with us and assume the responsibility for the installation and maintenance of the signs, and will also monitor all speed data. Studies have shown significant immediate and long lasting decreases in vehicle speeds on streets that use them. We believe this could be an important first step to both raise awareness and also to diminish the problem in our neighborhood. We need to raise $10,000.  Each device costs almost $5,000. If we all give a little, ALOT can happen. Let's do it by December 1st!  It is an ALL OR NOTHING campaign.  Your pledge becomes a donation when we reach our target. If our target is not met, no monies will be collected.This is where we live. This is where our kids go to school. This is where we walk, run, bike and drive. Please read the link for more information from this Dan Woog 06880 article. JOIN US AND COMMIT TO BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION!!! Matt HeislerKaren JacobsNicole DodgeJenniferJohnsonAndrea MooreAl DiGuido

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