Our mom, Kay, has always been one of the toughest and most supportive women we know. This summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 49, and it became our turn to be in the supportive role. Mom underwent a full mastectomy and reconstruction in September; the first of an estimated three procedures. Recovery has had its ups and downs, but mom maintains a positive attitude and strives to increase awareness for others. We have also been so fortunate to have friends and family visit to help out. If you know our mom, she's very independent and not one to ask for aid. However, next week marks two months away from work and the medical bills are stacking up very quickly. While we remain optimistic that this experience is only a short chapter in a long, happy life, we are still staring down a long road of treatment, physical therapy, more surgery, and of course more bills. If you are able to help, we would be so appreciative and forever grateful. Thank you.
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