

For those that don’t know me, my name is Courtney & I am Kamryn’s mother. This week, my sweet perfect baby was unfortunately diagnosed with an optic nerve glioma behind her right eye. It’s basically a benign tumor pushing her eye out of socket. We will be starting chemo this coming week, the day my baby turns 5 months old in hopes to completely deplete the tumor so she won’t lose eyesight. We are very thankful this is NOT cancer, but either way, a year of chemotherapy on a baby will not be easy. We will be traveling an hour and a half to Houston every week for a year for each chemo treatment. We don’t have insurance and we make too much to qualify for Medicaid. We are never the type to ask for help no matter what, but this is a situation where we have no other options. She will also be getting a central line put into her chest to receive each chemo treatment. Please, share this if you can. And as always, please pray my baby girl can tolerate these treatments and we can be done with this soon. Thank you so much for all the kind words, we hope to keep everyone updated with good news as we go through this journey.

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