

Hey family and friends! Our sweet girl Jordyn was recently diagnosed with Scoliosis. Initially, we went to a pediatric orthopedic doctor who told us she is very close to needing corrective surgery and did not see any hope for positive treatment. We have since found an amazing Scoliosis specialist in the Orlando area who is very confident he can help Jordyn. She will need to undergo a five-day intensive treatment phase followed by wearing a custom-molded brace for 22 hours a day. Following that, she will have 90 days of at-home exercises and therapy, as well as regular chiropractic care. She will then be reevaluated to see if she needs another intensive treatment phase. The doctor is quite confident he will be able to reduce the curves in her spine so that she won't need to even think about surgery. As scary as it is for us as parents, Jordyn of course is in great spirits and keeping her head held high! As you can imagine, the financial aspect of this care is quite expensive. Insurance will not cover any of the treatment, braces or exercise equipment she needs. As difficult as it is to admit, we need some help covering these expenses. Jordyn is also starting a new school this year to which we have focused a great deal of our finances into. This new school is opening her up to many amazing opportunities in the future. The last thing we want is to have to take this educational opportunity from her. We would be so grateful to have any help that can be provided so that we may get Jordyn the best care possible while keeping her in this amazing school. Jordyn is amazing, talented, funny, smart, passionate, empathetic and strong-willed. We want nothing more than to be able to provide her with the ability to become the amazing woman we know she will be. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for supporting Jordyn through this journey that she will, without a doubt, grow and strive from. With love, Jordyn's Cheering Squad

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