Hello. Today, June 29th, 2024, is my birthday and this one hits different. I’m so extremely grateful!! As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of last year and later discovered that the cancer had spread to my lungs, sternum, and liver. So what we thought was early stage breast cancer was now Stage 4 terminal cancer. I was heartbroken with this revelation. The prognosis was not good. However, with Chemotherapy, the support of friends, family, and a lot of your prayers, after six rounds of chemo, I was declared NED which means no evidence of disease. To God Be The Glory!!!!! Unfortunately, my joy over my NED status was short-lived. In March of this year, I was told that the cancer had returned to my brain. I had targeted radiation to kill all 27 lesions and switch treatments. I'm at a point now where I will do anything to SAVE MY LIFE. I've been looking into holistic treatments such as Hyperbaric chambers, vitamin C IV, etc. Unfortunately, health insurance does not cover these treatments. I am humbled by this experience and every day I do my best to heal and I ask that you help me to save my life. I appreciate your time for reading my story and I thank you in advance for all your donations, concerns, and prayers. In Perpetuity -Bunny
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