

I’ve recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer.  That’s the awful, terrible news.  I received the diagnosis right around my 50th birthday, and it was like a tremendous punch to the gut that no one in my family was prepared for.  The good news, however, is that we caught the cancer early, so we can treat it.After researching and considering the many treatment options, I’ve elected to have surgery.  The surgery date has been set for Thursday, November 12 (another bit of good news: it’s NOT scheduled for Friday the 13th!), and I’m confident that I’m in the care of an experienced and skilled doctor who assures me that this cancer will be little more than a “speed bump” in my life.My recovery period for the surgery will be 2-3 weeks, and the issue that has caused Taiko and me perhaps the most anxiety (aside from the fact that I have cancer, of course) is that since we do not have any employees, we will have to temporarily close our business, Saké Nomi , during my convalescence.This is where I have most struggled coming to terms with everything that’s going on.  I wish with all my heart that business at Saké Nomi these past eight and a half years had been so robust that we could simply close up shop without a second thought and deal with my medical situation.  However, the reality is that while we are closed and there is no commerce being conducted, there are still bills that need to be paid to address my quickly mounting medical expenses and to keep Saké Nomi afloat.  Perhaps it’s pride, and maybe it’s a bit of Japan-related “reserve” on our part, but we have had difficulty privately or publicly asking for help.So, while Taiko and I are confident we will get through this challenging set of circumstances, we certainly will appreciate any kind of assistance or support you care to extend to our family during this time.

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