John and Vicki are in a Bit of a Pickle Wisenbaugh Friends, As most of you already know, John had a serious stroke in March and was medivacked from Tenakee to Anchorage. From there, he moved to Wildflower Court in Juneau. He is making steady progress there, thanks to excellent physical therapy coupled with Wisenbaugh obstinance and his fervent desire to go home. But John can’t go home until he rebuilds more strength and muscle control. This will take additional intense physical therapy, occupational rehabilitation, and skilled nursing care. And that requires more time at the Wildflower Court. And that costs $43,000 a month -- believe it or not. YIKES !!! John's stay at Wildflower Court has been covered by Medicare so far, but that will stop at the end of July – in two weeks. As any of you who have been caught up in the medical mangle know, nothing is simple and everything is wildly expensive. Here’s where we can help! As friends who have all known the warmth of Wisenbaugh generosity, let's make things easier if we can. Let’s raise $45,000 to give John another month at Wildflower Court. Note: Vicki agreed to this LFEBridge request on the condition that we clearly state that they are not entirely out of savings . . . yet! Friends’ support will move their deadline back a month, giving them some breathing room for the next set of decisions. We chose the LFEBridge platform because it offers total flexibility. You can remain anonymous, or not, as you wish. Transaction fees are taken from donations, so we've rounded up our "ask" to help cover for those. Please note that you can set the "tip" to the platform at anything you want, including $0.00. Please donate as you can. Love, Molly (instigator), Rachel (techie), and Kathy (wingman). "It takes a village"!
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