

I have set up this LFEBridge for my friends Jess & Steve Farish. Jess has recently been diagnosed with a low-grade glioma of the brain stem. For you medical friends, it involves the right pons and extends into the medulla. For the rest of us that are not in the medical field, it is a slow-growing form of cancer that presents itself in the brain stem, and the location of the tumor makes it inoperable. The first step for Jess is to begin treatment on July 17th. This involves 5 days of radiation each week for six weeks. Short of a miracle, the tumor will not shrink nor will it go away. The goal is to stop the growth and the deficits that it is causing. Jess’ age and health are good indicators that she will respond well to this treatment. They are hoping to add integrated medicine if it is financially possible. That would look like immune boosters and extra therapies to reduce the short and long term side effects of treatment and disease. Jess, who has spent much of the last decade working in Special Education, has not been working for several months because of the symptoms that were presenting themselves. Steve drives for UPS and thankfully provides great insurance. As a two-income household that dropped to one income for several months now, finances have already been tight. As Steve takes time off to be with Jess and help her during treatments, it will be without pay. My desire in setting up this LFEBridge is to relieve their immediate financial pressure and future unknowns so that both Jess & Steve can focus on her treatment and care during this heavy and difficult period. Any donation is very much appreciated.

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