Hello friends and family. Recently, my friend Jen Brown was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. A few weeks ago, she traveled from Florida to Houston's MD Andersonfor surgery. It went well, and the doctors were confident with the outcome. Jen wrote:"My cancer surgery went well yesterday. As I was recovering, the doctors came out beaming and told my mom that it was the best possible outcome. They got the bad organs, tumor, and all the surrounding tissues. Everything else looked good."Two weeks later, Jen received some heartbreaking news. She wrote:"Yesterday I received the call that every cancer patient dreads: the cancer has spread. At some point in the past year, one of the tumors ruptured and released cancer cells into my abdomen/pelvis. Obviously, this is unexpected because my doctors were so confident in the success of the surgery. I will begin chemo treatments in approximately two weeks. Chemo will last 5 months. Now more than ever I ask you to pray for my strength, both physically and mentally. Pray for healing, a quick recovery, and wisdom for the doctors."Needless to say, this was not the news anyone wanted to hear. There's an old verse that says, "I’ve realized that trying to figure out why God allows certain things to happen is a bit like chasing the wind and trying to turn it into something visible. It’s a chase that will simply wear you out, to very little avail. So, I’ve just about decided asking “why” is the wrong question. Instead, I ask “what now?" "What now?" is just a much better question to ask. If we make the choice to let it lead us from our hurt to positive changes, it will!"I agree, so I've started this fund to assist Jen with her extensive medical, travel, and personal expenses. Jen is a teacher here in S. Florida, and although we don't work together, I've witnessed her tireless efforts to assist her students and the community here in West Palm Beach. She's a wonderful person, so I am asking each and every one of you to consider helping her out in any way you can, prayers included. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.Steve Krauss
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