

My younger brother Jay was recently diagnosed with Acute Leukemia. My mom will be staying with him in the hospital as much as she can, but financially they can’t afford to have her completely out of work. My brother is a caring, funny person and can always make everyone smile. He loves theater and has even been in a few local productions. He’s only 26 so he still has so much of life to experience. All donations will go to help alleviate some of the financial burden so my mom can be there for my brother and he isn’t alone. Thank you for your support, this was completely unexpected and is a difficult time for our family right now. ❤️ Update 7/26 Hey everyone! Please keep those prayers and good vibes going. Treatment will be starting any minute now. He will be on 3 different chemos 24 hours a day for the next 3 weeks with constant monitoring for infections as he will have zero blood counts left. Blood and platelet transfusions will be a regular thing for him. After the 3 weeks he will have at least another 2 weeks of hospital monitoring and extra meds. Everyone has been so generous and thoughtful during this hard time and we appreciate it more than we can express. I HATE asking this but Please continue to share the LFEBridge link as we have a long road in front of us and there has been a costly medical procedure that we paid out of pocket because insurance didn't cover it. I will keep you all updated as I can. We appreciate the love and support you have sent Jay's way! ❤️ #CANCERSUCKS teamjay Update 8/4 Hello all. Wanted to post an update for everyone who's been keeping up with Jay's fight. He is in the worst part of it right now and they said to expect this for another 2 weeks during chemo and then until his body can build back the immunity to fight. The mouth, lip and throat sores are so bad that he can't move his lips when he talks and he can't swallow without intense pain that causes his body to twitch. He DID drink a boost last night, which is the 1st food he's been able to even put in his mouth in over a week. Because of this intense pain they have started him on morphine and are coating his throat with cocaine, (no I don't mean codiene)He is down 30 lbs in a little under 3 weeks . He is experiencing quite a bit of nausea and vomiting, the last 2 days vomiting every time they give him his pills. The last 3 days were real scary for me as mom because even through everything he's going through he continued to make jokes with his nurses, the last 3 days, no jokes. That's when I know it's time to worry, but, This morning, though he's still clearly suffering he's had a few little jokes with his nurse. I can tell he's really suffering but his spirit is at least trying to make a come back. Today he is on his 2nd platelet transfusion and 4th blood transfusion. Please keep the prayers going and continue to ask your friends and loved ones for prayers of comfort and healing for him. At 25, this is the last place he should be. I appreciate you all and your kind words and generosity. #CANCERSUCKS Team Jay

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