We need your help and prayers. Our family needs to find a way to get 24 hour care for our parents. Although Jan and Paul have been living on their own, recently Paul's health has required him to be hospitalized for a couple of weeks. Due to his health and Jan's medical needs, they can no longer live on their own. To get them the care they need, it will cost roughly $12,000 a month unless we can get them Medicaid. Unfortunately, this is not a fast process and most facilities will not allow Medicaid pending patients. We have found a GREAT facility willing to accept Jan and Paul, however we have to hire a lawyer to expedite the Medicaid process. Jan and Paul do not have the funds to hire the attorney. Unfortunately, we cannot afford the attorney on our own. We are asking Jan and Paul's family and friends to please give a donation of any amount. Anything donated will help us reach our goal amount of $10,000. This money is needed ASAP so we can secure a lawyer and get Jan and Paul the 24 hour care they need. We thank you so much for considering donating. God Bless!
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