As a lot of you know, Kelly and Mike Cantrell’s son, Jacob, has been struggling with GI problems and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in February. Unfortunately, his U.C. has not been easily controlled. He was admitted to NH-New Hanover Regional Medical Center last month and spent two weeks in the hospital getting blood transfusions, iron infusions, TPN (nutrition), and so many IV meds through a PICC line while on bowel rest—trying to get things calmed down. It seemed like there was some progress, so he was discharged after two weeks. Unfortunately, he was admitted back to NHRMC within a week of discharging because he was still bleeding and things were just not better. On Thursday night (7/13), Jacob was transferred to UNC to consult with a surgeon and explore other options for treatment. Since he is tried and failed multiple medications, surgery has been recommended. Jacob is scheduled for surgery tomorrow (7/17) to remove his colon and create a stoma for a colostomy bag. Then later, after things have healed, he should be able to have a colostomy reversal. While all this has been going on with Jacob, Mike had to have surgery for a rotator cuff tear. Medical bills are piling up and both Kelly and Mike have had to miss work with Jacob being in the hospital. Kelly has exhausted her PDO (paid days off) at work. Kelly is always giving to others and making sure her friends, family, and co-workers are taken care of, so I’m hoping we can return the favor to her now that she and her family are going through such a difficult time.
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