

Hello, My name is Jack Walker and I was in a terrible car accident on Sunday October 25, 2015. While driving, I hit a puddle on the side of the road and hydroplained my vehicle. Insted of going into trafic, i swerved off the road, onto the sidewalk and than finally into a tree. The accident has taken my abbility to walk on my own for the next 5-6 months due to a severe fracturs to my right foot and ankle, I also broke my left hip and dislocated it. One of the most painfull things im going threw right now is Traction. Placing rods in my leg, and weights at the end of that, they are keeping my hip inplace. I went through sergury on Wedensday, and had some more complications. They have me on a breathing tube, and one to suck the fluid out of my lungs. I have a long road of recovery infront of me, and thank you for sharing this.I will not be working while im going through rehabilitation, so I am looking to my friends and family to help me through this tough situation. I will be living with my mother, and although she works, it is a huge responsability on her behaf. Thank you for sharing this with family and friends. EVERY PENNY COUNTS!With all my love,Jack Walker Jr.

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