Hello, my name is Chazidi and I’m fundraising for my IVF Journey… I’ve been through a whirlwind of emotions since finding out about my struggles with infertility. To kind of give you a back story, my husband and I got married in April of 2017. Just like any marriage we wanted to have that feeling of having a bundle of joy to add to our family tree. I’ve been working with children for 8 years and even though loving all the little ones as my own and sometimes even babysitting for families I’ve known for awhile is the best thing to me in the world, it isn’t the same as wanting to come home to my own little creation. In early Dec. I found out I was pregnant and of course, we were overjoyed. Unfortunately on Dec. 17th I went into the ER with severe pains and bleeding, I knew something wasn’t right. The doctor told me I needed to go into emergency surgery because I had a left tubal ectopic pregnancy and it would have to be removed. That of course, was the start of our journey to try and become pregnant again. Fast forward 6 years later and having the constant disappointment of multiple negative tests and seeing my period every month, I was finally able to see an OBGYN and it was confirmed through an HSG test that the only fallopian tube I had was blocked (more than likely due to the ectopic pregnancy before). My doctor was able to refer me to an IVF specialist. I have the initial visit coming up soon and I plan on using the funds for any testing and medical treatment needed to have our little rainbow baby. Please do not feel obligated to give, but I would appreciate any kind words and shares. Thank you! I’ll keep you guys updated as the appts start coming.
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