

Hello, my name is Megan and I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be attending the Iris Global Harvest School this September-December! A bit about me and why I’m going to Harvest School: I have always known that there is a missional and evangelistic calling on my life but over the last year, God has been highlighting this to me more and more. My life has been significantly impacted by God's power and love and my heart is to share this love with others in the UK and also all over the world. Through various initiatives such as attending the online Iris Mission School in 2024, then taking part in the IMPRINT London mission school last year and going on my first mission trip to Brazil this year, it has become clear to me that there is more that God wants to do with me in the area of Christian mission. Saying that, this school feels like the natural next step for me. Harvest School is a Spirit-filled hands-on missions school that trains, equips and sends out radical lovers of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Many have come away saying their lives have been changed forever and I expect that I will finish the school saying this too! You can read more about the school here: What is Iris Global? Iris Global is an organisation that is empowered by the love of God to stop for the one in need through worship, outreach, family, education, relief, development, healing, and the arts. Where am I going? Israel This will be a special and intimate time away with the Lord as I will get to walk in the places that Jesus walked, I will be spending time in the desert where God spoke to Moses through the burning bush, I will be taught by Heidi Baker and Israeli leaders as well as worshipping and interceding throughout the land. South Africa From Israel, I will be going to South Africa where I will be doing life in villages, spending time with the locals, going on outreaches and learning to communicate in new cultures. Mozambique The nation where Iris Global started! During my time here, I will be travelling to three different areas. Teams that have been to this nation in the past have shared incredible stories of how the blind were healed and able to see, the deaf were healed and able to hear and many gave their life to Christ. There will be the opportunity to preach the gospel, minister to those in need and learn from missional leaders and Iris missionaries. Extended Outreach At the end of the school, I will have the opportunity to go on an extended outreach for 7 - 14 days (location TBC) to put into practice everything I have learned during my time at the school. The funds raised will help me to pay for: Iris Harvest School Tuition Costs Flights Vaccinations Extended Outreach Tuition Living costs Thank you for taking the time to visit my page and for your support, God bless you!

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