

My name is Kait and my husband Mark and I are called to be missionaries to Ireland. God has opened the door for us to go on a short term missions trip to Waterford, Ireland with our church this summer! We will be going between July 1st-July 16th. We will be doing Vacation Bible School for Calvary Chapel of Waterford! The first week that we will be there, we will be going into Ballybeg and doing service projects, such as picking up trash. Hopefully that will make the kids come out and ask us what we are doing, and hopefully we can get a game of American football going! Then, the second week, we will be helping with VBS! We can't wait to see all that God does and shows to us while we are there!  We can't do it alone; first comes God's hand in it all, and then comes your help! We know that God will make a way, and we ask that you pray about helping us financially  in our plans to follow the path the Lord has for us. Mark and I will be taking the time away from work, and that is scary for us since we will still have our monthly bills on top of the trips expenses. We ask that you pray for us that God would prepare the hearts of the people that we will be meeting there. Mark and I are so thankful for all of your help! God bless!

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