

Hello world! My name is Hazel Swaid and I am a first generation Syrian American. My parish, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church (Allentown, PA) and I work closely with many different organizatons to aid Syrian refugees.  As the situation in Syria gets more and more intense, more than half of the population is in dire need of basic human necessities. The International Orthodox Christian Charities or IOCC is an organization intended to spread humanitarian efforts to help those in need. The IOCC is completely indiscriminatory of race, religion, or political affiliation. Through this organization, I would like to prepare basic hygiene kits to be sent to the Syrians abroad. Every kit includes one hand towel, one wash cloth, a toothbrush, comb, nail file, one bar of soap, and six band aids. God gave us the ability to help others and it is our duty to utilize these talents. Any donation would be deeply appreciated by me, the IOCC, and the Syrian people alike. With your help, we can have over 200 emergency hygiene kits bagged and shipped by November 15th 2015! Please find it in your heart to help us help others! Thank you and God bless.

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