This is not any easy ask, but I need some help reinventing my life. I’ve been a hairdresser for 23 years, I loved my job and my clients. After sustaining a rotator cuff tear and tendinitis in my bicep I have been unable to work and have been struggling on EI, which pays my rent, phone and hydro only. This leaves no money for my kids, food, gas, insurance etc. The lower mainland is unbelievably expensive and I can no longer sustainably stay. I have no additional experience other than hairstyling. When I peruse job listings they are all entry level and $17 an hour. I just received the unfortunate news that I can no longer do hair. There is no repairing my shoulder, all I can do is try and strengthen a few tendons that are left and try not to do anything that makes it worse. My sister flew me up to Whitehorse and I have realized that there are many jobs I can do that pay $25 or more an hour. I’ve started pilot driving, although I am the last on their list as I am a new hire. I’ve been helping my sister with driving for her expediting company. I have taken the Traffic Control Person Course so I have my TCP Certificate. I am wanting to register for a training program that is free through the Yukon University that is geared to 50+, it will help me update my computer skills, I will be able to get my WHIMS, Food safe, First Aid and on the job training. I am currently studying for an aptitude test to become a 911 dispatcher. Once I become a resident of the Yukon, I will be able to receive a northern living allowance. Housing is difficult in Whitehorse, but I have secured good housing and it’s affordable. I would be forever grateful if I could raise enough to help me rent a UHaul, gas for car and truck and a tune up for my car to make it up to the Yukon. Thank you ❤️
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