

My name is Joseph Keith Vitai. I have suffered many complications with Diabetes. It has caused me to have my left leg amputated above the knee and recently my right leg has been amputated below the knee. Because of this, there was a domino effect financially. I had to step down from working at the Post Office. A job that I've done for the past 15 years. The job there requires constant standing and lifting packages. Something I wasn't physically able to do anymore. I have tried to apply for Disability, but that has been a long grueling process for about a year now. I'm supposed to have a Hearing with them, but there has been no date set. So all of this has led to going many months with No Income, yet Bills keep coming and are now falling behind. As you can see, it has been one problem after another. So any type of help is Greatly Appreciated right now. I hope and pray to reach that goal of $3000. If I can reach that goal or more, it will help me truly catch up with everything. Just please remember me in your thoughts and prayers. And I am grateful for any kindness that comes my way. God Bless

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