My name is David and i appreciate you taking the time to read my story. An educational Journey into the world of your liver is an interesting one, to say the least. If I had not gone to the Hospital for an abdominal hernia surgery, I would have never known I had Chirossis. Your liver has no pain receptors, and it never gave me a problem. I was shocked when the Surgeon showed me pictures of my liver after he opened me up. I told him I had never done drugs and long ago was an occasional social drinker. He informed me that 1 out of 200 Adults develops Liver Chirossis in the United States and that he had 13-year-old kids waiting on a Transplant because their parents fed them fast food and 44 oz sodas all day long. Processed meats, cheeses, and worst of all High Fructose Corn syrup are the big 3 liver killers, and working on the road all those years I was guilty of all three that caused my fatty liver which I did not know of until I had liver failure. Lucky for me my first coma episode was on a Sunday 4 years ago and I felt very confused at church so I left early. My wife went out after services for her birthday lunch only to come home and find me unconscious on the floor of the RV I was living in and working out of in Kansas. I spent 4 days in a coma with that one. Two other times I have had spells where I was able to get my medication down before my ammonia levels got too high and I passed out. Last weekend (06/16/23) I wasn't so lucky and fell out while watching Gator Baseball. I spent Friday- Wed in the hospital but my application was expedited to get on the Transplant list, so there was a silver lining there. I think the main point of my story is to please watch what you eat. Processed foods and chemicals are killing us and our kids when we can easily avoid them if we know the Truth. The other part of the story is the monetary impact on you, and your family if they are as helpful as mine has been. at over 300.00 a week in Dr. visits plus 45 miles 1 way drive to the hospital 1-3 days a week and the cost of the medications is truly crushing to you and the family. Personally, I have spent everything I have and maxed out my CC, then borrowed as much money as family members had to spare and I have yet to even get the Transplant yet. It is, for this reason, I'm asking for help from Friends, colleagues, and 3rd and 4th-level friends that have a heart. The money is going into an account administered by my sister to pay my bills, vehicle upkeep for the constant trips to the hospital, Medications, and after surgery the lifelong daily meds I have to take to keep from rejecting my new liver. I would greatly appreciate any life-giving donation you can afford to help me with the upcoming costs.|I plan on keeping up a running blog of what's happening to me, and my progress as I travel down this terrible road and to give shoutouts to those benefactors that are willing to help me out. I would also ask that after reading this if you would please send the link to it out to your circle of friends asking them to do the same with their friends to help get the call for help out. It's a tough pill to swallow for me to write all of this down but it's not as bad as not being able to afford to get the surgery I need. And if you have a friend that owns a business ask them if their business would mind making a donation. If members of your Church can afford to give any amount please show them this fundraiser. It is Tax deductable and even more, so very much appreciated.
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