

Hi Im Elizabeth, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2024 that spread everywhere in my body including liver, lungs, bones, lymphomas etc. I felt that i was sick just before the first lockdown but doctors did not take me seriously and blamed it on menopause so they gave me oestrogen hormones that accelerated the cancer and in 2 years it got to the stage where doctors told me I don't have long to live. The medications that were recommended by NHS has an overwhelming amount of side effects like regular nose bleed, skin rush, muscle pain, fever, high blood pressure, bone pain, my fingers and toes are numb making it extremely difficult sometimes to walk when I'm able, mucus in the eyes making it really hard to see, vomiting, nausea, headache. I have to take morphine every few hours as the pain without it is excruciating. My spine is also fractured because the cancer weakened my bones. These are just some of them that I live with on a daily basis. The meds from NHS are only able to help cope with the cancer but the side effects are intolerable in exchange for hope to have a few more years to live, as this type of cancer does not have a cure. Simple things that are part of everyone's daily lives like having a shower or a bath, getting in or out of bed, or even just eating or drinking can be extremely painful and challenging, sometimes even impossible. I'm bed ridden all of the time and unable to even turn from one side to the other. I'm 51 years old, not 70 and I have a son who still needs me. As i cant take the meds recommended by NHS due to the extreme side effects, I can die within a year without help. I found a possible solution that could help me to live whatever time I have left with minimal or no side effects at all, its called DCT therapy ( This therapy however is not free hence why I'm here, asking for everybody's help. I would appreciate any help as I have a window of 2 months to start this therapy before my condition worsen to the state where even this wont be able to help. I'm writing this out of desperation and Id like to ask everyone to consider helping, it all matters regardless how small it may be. Thank you all in advance for your donation. Many thanks, Elizabeth Sziasztok a nevem Erzsebet, 2024.ben diagnostizaltak az attetes mellrakot amely az egesz testemben van a majban, tudoben, csontokban, nyirokcsomokban. Az elso panemicnel eszleltem a tuneteket a testemben, de sajnos az orvosok nem hallgattak meg es nem segitettek, hiszen minden beszelgetes telefonon tortent. Azt modtak menopausa miatt vannak a panaszaim, majd adtak osztrogen tablettat ami segitett gyorsabban terjedni a raknak a testemben 2 evig nem tudtam elmenni magan orvoshos a pendamic miatt. Amit a korhaz javasol gyogyszereket, therapiakat a testem nem toleralja tobbet. A mellekhatasoktol gyakorlatilag haldoklom, minden pillanatban verzik az orrom, a boromon kiutesek es sebek lesznek ami fajdalmas, csontfajdalmaim vannak, izomfajdalmaim, az ujjaim kezemen labamon nem tudom mozgatni el vannak zsibbadva , a szemem folyamatosan eg es szur, ha vizelni megyek csip, elhullik a hajam, ejszaka segitseget kell kernem a fiamtol, hogy tudjak megfordulni az agyban, nem vagyok kepes egyedul. A fiam visz a karjaban a wc.-re. ect.... a gerincem eltorott mert a rak elporlasztotta a csontomat igy eltort a gerincem ezert Morfiumot szedek minden 2 oraban, folyadek , gyogyszer, tapasz formajaban es sok mas fajdalmalom csillapitot, a rak miatt lett magas vernyomasom, a rak miatt februarban a pajzsmirigyem kikellett operalni , egy idoben chemo th is kaptam, majdnem belehaltam. A korhaz altal javasolt th.-at a testem nem toleralja igy csak van kb. egy evem gyogyszerek nelkul. 51 eves vagyok csak nem 70 eves a fiam az egeytlen csaladtagom aki 24 oraban mellettem van. A fiamnak meg szuksege van ram szeretnek meg elni 5-10 evet. Talaltam egy kezelest ami segitene fajdalom nelkul elni amit az allam nem tamogat . A neve a th.-nak DCT IMMUN KEZELES [] EZERT KEREK MINDEN ISMEROSOMET BARATOMAT SEGITSEN A BANKSZAMLA SZAMOM ITT A WEBOLDALON MEGTALALHATO. HA NEM JON OSSZE A PENZ 2 HONPON BELUL UTANA AZ ALLAPOTOM LEROMLIK AKKOR EZT A KEZELEST SEM TUDOM MEGKAPNI. KERLEK BENNETEKET MINDEN CENT SZAMIT. ELORE IS KOSZONOM NEKTEK AZ ADOMANYOKAT. KOSZONETTEL: Erzsebet

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