Lifeline for Lily Belle My name is Amanda, Aunt to my precious new niece, Lily (Lillian) Belle, born 7/20/23 in Akron. She was seven weeks premature and has specials needs, weighing 4.4 lbs. Lily’s Dad is my brother, Ray. We were BOTH adopted at birth. Ray & his lovely wife, Stephanie, married in 2024, also chose ADOPTION to start their beautiful family. Lily was born with only one kidney and club hands with missing thumbs. She was sent that night to the NICU at Children’s Hospital where she needed surgery at 2 DAYS OLD to install a stoma for a colostomy bag. Many surgeries will be needed in her little life to help her hands/forearms and internal abnormalities. I want to help Lily and her parents with current and future medical costs and adoption expenses. They are still traveling to Akron until baby Lily is well enough to move to Columbus Children’s Hospital. Even the medical transport to move her in the future from one NICU to another - costs thousands of dollars and is NOT covered by insurance. Instead of typical baby gifts, please help me ease the financial challenges of my beautiful niece, brother & wife, with whatever gift you can. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Team Lily Belle❣️
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