Hello fam, As many of you are aware, I have completely shattered my left ankle. I’m in good spirits but the timeline for recovery is 6-8 weeks. We have medical insurance but VERY quickly found out how expensive everything still is. From the needed surgery to other random necessities (crutches, boot, medication etc) We’re down $7K in six days. Rainy day funds DEPLETED. Just a normal hard working family of 5. So this one hurts. I’ll obviously miss a lot of time from work as will my wife to care for me at home. Because there’s no way I’m staying alone with my thoughts. Nope!! Everyone knows my alter ego is Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, incredibly prideful! So this pains me to my core to ask. But I must set it aside for the sake of my wife and kids. Ya boy Hopper is down right now, Errol Spence in the 7th round down. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. We just need a little something to stay afloat during these difficult times. I’ll be back in no time making my boxing workout videos again! Oh, and don’t get it twisted……even on one leg….. I’ll STILL KICK YOUR ASS!! Haha!!! Jkjk Thanks in advance!
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