

In 2004 I was working at a local gopsel radio station in Raleigh NC(WCLY AM1550) and as the holiday season approached it reminded me how blessed I was and how I often had taken for granted the blessings that God had bestowed into my life. So what I did next became a annual event every year until I left that station in September of 2009. I would go on the airwaves and partner with our listeners to bless HOMELESS families during the holidays. I would find the familIes through local churches and the department of social services. Since 2009 I have lost a lot of my family members but I havent lost my capacity to help others.God has inspired me to once again serve others who have a need greater than my own. We have a chance to be difference makers in other people's lives daily. I have identified SOME HOMELESS families who desperately need our help in this greater community. I am asking you to give as your heart so leads you to do so.Share this campaign with as many people as you can,we may be able to help more than HOMELESS families. This is a opportunity to give hope to some families who currently feel like all hope has vanquished..Let's be a blessing through our giving...Thank You...i KNOW ITS LAST MINUTE BUT ITS ALL ABOUT MAKING THE EFFORT TO IMPACT OTHERS...

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