

Please Help Send the HMB Pirates to Cooperstown!The Half Moon Bay Pirates 12U Team is heading to the All-Star Village Tournament this June in Cooperstown, NY -- home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Teams from across the United States will come together to compete in a tournament for 12-year old baseball players. The team bunks together, eats together and meets players and coaches from around the country. It's an experience these kids will never forget. While playing in this tournament is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the participation costs are substantial -- including entry fees, airfare and accommodations in the baseball village for Pirates players and coaches. The Pirates are working hard together to raise the money necessary to enable every member of the team to participate. Although the overall goal seems daunting, every bit will help. Thank you for any contribution you can make -- your support means the world to a great bunch of kids who have been dreaming of playing baseball together in Cooperstown. GO PIRATES! Cooperstown All-Star Village TournamentJune 11-17, 2016

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