

10/08 Update - firstly, thank you so much for everyone's generosity. It has meant so much to Mum and all of us and has been incredibly helpful at such a challenging time. Unfortunately, the news received yesterday is not the news we hoped for. Mum has stage 4 Thymic Carcinoma (a fairly rare cancer of the Thymus Gland). She is facing at least 6 months of intensive chemo and will be unable to work this entire time. This is also now coupled with ongoing dental health issues which will no doubt be exacerbated by the chemo. For that reason, we are hoping to get urgent (and costly) treatment and once again come cap in hand. Your generosity to date has been overwhelming and we are so grateful for your help. 18/07 Update - we have finally received some quotes for carpets and have increased the target to reflect the cost. Genuinely cannot express how grateful we are for everyone’s generosity. It means so much to us. As many have already seen, my mum, Tara Guy, hasn’t had the best run of luck lately. After the stress of facing homelessness over the last 8 months, she has now been diagnosed with cancer. So many people have kindly expressed a wish to help, so I am just setting this up to create a pot to help with the move. Having already gone down to half pay, I hate that financial stress is being added to her health struggles. We will all come together as a family, but I know mum’s heart of gold has been felt by many. If you can spare anything to help with the mammoth cost of things such as carpeting a whole house, it will be greatly appreciated <3 thanks

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