Please help my daughter. She is in a years- long, legal battle with her spouse to try to settle custody of their children, the sale of their marital home, and the future of their children. She is doing the best you can, and has accessed and exhausted every resource imaginable to assist her in this very difficult journey. Financially, I have truly given her everything that I possibly could, which has made a great impact on my overall financial security. She is in great need of assistance with legal fees to finalize the matter, after we have come all this way. They are headed for trial in merely a few weeks-this is URGENT. Though we are elderly, her father and I have come together in support of her despite our own needs (as parents do). Her father is ill with stage four cancer, and as would be expected, he and his wife are also tied up with medical fees and nursing care fees. We are so grateful to be grandparents and unfortunately, this terrible situation has put such a cloud over our families life over the past few years, and we would love to see her secure, and to be able to enjoy this time with our grandchildren in our older age. My daughter is a strong, stalwart mother, never expecting anything less than good things for her children. She has had to be braver than I could ever imagine anyone to have to be through this process, and she simply wants a equitable and fair outcome for her children and her self. I pray often for God to touch her spouse’s heart, and help him to understand that conflict is not the way forward, but only a path forward of love and acceptance. I truly wish that he will see a way to compromise. Our family has endured exorbitant amount of stress that has affected all of our health, yet, we continue on to support her and our grandchildren. We would be grateful for any support you can offer my daughter at this time. Her legal fees will total in the tens of thousands of dollars, and we know a good security net for her will allow her to focus on the children, getting herself secure, and getting a fair outcome for all people in the family, including her spouse. Please give what you can. God bless you.
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