

We have decided to set Denise, the 32 year old mother of a sweet, sassy three year old daughter (she really is her mommas daughter), up a LFEBridge to help with her expenses during her lung cancer treatments. As you all know chemo has so many side effects and she will not be able to work. Life doesn't stop for illness and neither do expenses and bills. We want to help with at least one small worry so she can concentrate on her treatments, getting better and her little girl. If you cannot give, please pray for her and her family every chance you get as this is the ultimate gift. We know with God on her side and her stubborn, fierce personality she is going to give this cancer the boot!  Denise's story - I have spent at least 25 years of my life encouraging people not to smoke, reminding them what cigarettes can do to their lungs and their health, I have encouraged, begged, harassed, and bullied the smokers in my life to put down their cigarettes before they really caused some damage. Heck, I’ve even lectured complete strangers in bars on cigarettes, with no shame whatsoever in doing so. Now for the ironic part:  Today I was officially diagnosed with stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer. It was truly by the grace of God that I ended up in the emergency room for dehydration in order for the ER staff to find a discrepancy on my chest X-ray that would eventually lead to a ct scan, a pet scan and a biopsy, but I’m oh so thankful. Although the past 8 weeks have been stressful and terrifying, I finally have a wonderful team of doctors and a promising treatment regimen that will start as soon as humanly possible.  I say all that to say: take care of your bodies, listen to the warning signs your body gives you, even if it doesn’t seem like it’s that important - it is! Please pray for my family, for trust and understanding, for guidance, pray that my body does well with my treatments and that the treatments are successful so I can stick around much longer for my sweet sassy girl. ❤️

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