

I am raising money for a family member who was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (TM) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO). In which you can read her story below in detail . Every 6 months she needs around 2k to 3k for her treatments alone plus for medicine she needs on the daily. Anything is appreciated. (Her story) Hi my name is Yuli Arzagoytia, For more than 2 years I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (TM) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO). I was paralyzed for a while from chest height down, I am already learning to walk again, but since then I have faced several relapses. Staying on my feet, taking my feet off the ground, and learning to walk have been very difficult. The disease left me with many horrible sequelae, some of them are spasms, pain from my waist, groin, legs, knees, and even the tips of my fingers that no pill or medication can take away, pain that is present day and night, whether I'm asleep or awake and I still feel them, a feeling like my ribs are pressing until they fit together and as if they were going to break to the point of not being able to breathe, among these and many other sequelae, and having no choice but to cry alone and in silence from the pain. At first, I complained, I yelled, but I have stopped complaining because it is useless to do it and nothing takes it away from me, with more than 2 years like this now, I have had to learn to live with that, and I will feel that until the last of my days. They give me Rituximab every 6 months, which is too expensive and it is difficult for me to buy it, this and other medications that I take daily that I will carry for life. If you stopped applying Rituximab, the disease returns, this medication only protects me and reduces the risk of a recurrence of the disease by 40% and I am immobile again without feeling my body or moving it, needing help for everything and not being able to do even the simplest thing, which is to relieve myself, using a catheter to urinate and even a diaper, in addition to losing my sight completely.

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