

Jim, Leanne, Abby and Liz have had an unexpected medical situation occur and have had no time to financially plan accordingly. On June 20th Jim went to the ER for edema and high blood pressure and was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Doctors ordered a biopsy which happened on July 5th. He continued to decline and on Friday July 7th, after continuing symptoms and staggeringly high blood pressure, Jim went back to the ER where chaos ensued. Jim was in kidney failure with dangerously high potassium levels, a positive swab for E.Coli, and he was so dehydrated that they could not start an IV. At this same time his biopsy results were returned giving a rare diagnosis of Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis. He was immediately admitted to start Dialysis the next morning. After two rounds of Dialysis, Jim's numbers improved and now it is a wait and see game to see if his kidney's kick back in. On Monday, July 10th he started an infusion treatment to help with the rare disease. Because of the nature of the disease and the many unknowns, Jim will be out of work indefinitely and, of course, has incurred high medical costs including the infusion treatments which are fairly new and expensive. Any support you can provide to help Jim and Leanne as they navigate these challenges are greatly appreciated.

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