Help to restore the pillar of my family. I’m here to ask you to aid my mother in a difficult time. With your generous support, we will be able to afford the surgery she needs to regain mobility and to avoid a further irreparable catastrophe. A few years ago (15 or so) my mom and I were in a car accident, a car took a curve without looking and hit us as we walked crossing the street, a tire of the car stood over her feet for more than 5 minutes, miraculously there was no broken bones there, but her circulation became irregular, specially on her legs. After the accident she developed varicose veins, a condition in which the veins under the skin become enlarged and prominent, this condition is common, especially on women that have had rough labor, and is treated with creams if there’s no complications, but if there’s weakness on the circulatory system the danger grows exponentially, specially if the blood flow on the vein is supposed to go against gravity, like in the legs, then the blood flows in the wrong direction, then the blood pools and form clots. On top of that, in the last two years my mom have been suddenly presenting clotting issues after a mandatory medical procedure in my country, I’ll leave that at that, but this has taken the situation to a very dangerous level, varicose veins and clots are a terrible mix, in the last few months my mom has had thrombophlebitis twice, meaning a clot formed in the vein at an skin level, this produces a ton of pain and inflammation, but the clots have been presenting on deeper tissue and last month she had a deep vein thrombosis, meaning a clot formed on a muscular level making her leg swell and an ulcer to open on her ankle, this has caused intense pain to the point that my mom has had problems walking and doing her daily routines, the clot is apparently gone but the ulcer has barely improved, and after an appointment with a vascular surgeon we have confirmed there’s serious danger of more clots forming and the rising risk of one of the clots separating from the vein, joining the blood flow, and reaching the heart or the lungs, that is an scenario we cannot allow to happen. To avoid the worse case scenario my mom needs surgery, during the procedure a laser fiber will be inserted in the affected veins, the fiber will basically kill the vein redirecting the blood flow to healthier ones, that will reduce dramatically the chances of another clot forming, lowering the risk of an embolism or another serious complication and eliminating the swelling on the leg and the ulcers, that will both improve her life and help to ensure that life is still long. Due to her situation plus many other hardships we have faced recently, we can’t afford the cost of the surgery, that’s why I’m in need to ask you for help, for my mom I would move mountains, and if I can’t move mountains maybe I can move people, because I may be at my weakest alone, but with your succor the mountain will move without doubt. Thanks for any help you give us, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
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