Hi all! Most know by now, Blake is in the hospital, he has been diagnosed with heart failure, with his heart only functioning 20%. He is 29 years old and we are unsure if or when he will be able to return to work at this point. We are praying he will, but him and Amber have already missed several days and are looking at a lifetime of Dr appointments, medical expenses, and Amber is having to drive an hour back and forth now. We are waiting now on a life vest for Blake, he will wear that for the next 2 to 3 months while they attempt to treat the heart failure with medication and see how he responds, then he is looking at a defibrillator placement and will most likely be sent to UAB. Blake is in SAMC and Friday, Ambers mom was admitted to Flowers hospital with a 7mm mass on her brain and will be having surgery Monday as well. Amber's plate is full and she is going to need much support and prayers as well. I am asking if anyone feels led to help, to please help these kids!! Tim and I greatly appreciate any help for them!
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