

Hi, my name is Craig and I am doing what I am hoping will help out a good friend and his wife. I have worked with Larry for almost 18 years. Larry’s wife Vicki was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012 she has had many rounds of chemo and radiation and Vicki has fought like hell. The cancer spread to her brain in 2017 and then the fight really was on. Vicki has had several brain surgeries, radiation, radiation tiles in her brain and chemotherapy. The list goes on….but 2 weeks ago the doctors told Vicki & Larry there is nothing more they can do. They have given Vicki 6 months. Vicki has 2 sons Scott & Kevin who need their mom and Larry needs his wife. They have decided to do an all natural kind of homeopathic if you will go at this. Larry & Vicki are 2 humble people that would never ask a dime from someone, but this is costly. The first appt was $1100 and every appt after is around $250 for just her hyperbaric treatments this will not include the meds which is around 40 pills a day. Unfortunately as most know Insurance does not cover these kind of treatments. If you have at least $10 to spare that will add up. The more treatments the better. Thank you for considering and if you can’t donate prayers for Vicki and the Hubbs family would be so appreciated.

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