

Hello! My name is Callie and I’d like to tell you a bit about the Thibodeau family which consists of Mark and Tamara and their wonderful children still at home, Owen, Daisy, Dahlia, Luke, Zinnia, Elias and Magnolia. Mark is the worship pastor at New City Church, and has faithfully served there for about 4 years despite struggling with constant pain, multiple surgeries and leading His family in the Lord. The church hasn’t been able to put him on staff as of yet, but that hasn’t stopped him from giving many, many hours to the ministry and developing a worship team, in addition to the shared pastoral care of the church. Tamara is the Children’s Ministry Director at New City, and does a wonderful job bringing direction and order to the thriving ministry. She is also a homeschooling mother, and active in our homeschool group in leading activities and outings. The Thibodeau family is one of the most generous families I’ve ever known. They’re quick to offer help and host church gatherings and other events in their home. They share meals with families when there’s a need. They are a huge blessing to everyone who knows them. Now for the reason why I’m creating this fundraiser…Mark has been on disability due to ongoing health issues brought on from his time serving in the Navy. To cover what his disability check won't, he works as much as his body will allow him. He is a hard worker and not at all lazy, but he has most recently been in so much pain he hasn’t been able to work as much as they need. Their disability income needs to increase, but that takes time, and their hearing has been delayed many times. I’m asking for $10,000 dollars to help them out with bills, get them caught up in whatever ways they need and hopefully set them up for winter. As we all know, expenses in Maine are very high. If we go over the goal the Lord will be answering my prayers. If you could give any amount at all, that would be such a blessing. They don’t know I’m making this fundraiser and they certainly wouldn’t have asked. They fully trust the Lord and His timing for provision. Even if you cannot give financially, please be in prayer for their family! PRAY for the Thibodeau family, DONATE, SHARE with friends, and then drop the Thibodeau family a note of encouragement in the comments!

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