A mother shouldn’t be punished for trying to protect her children. That is exactly what happened to my sister. The court wrongfully took her kids away. No one should be allowed to rip kids from their family and relocate them to an environment where they don’t belong. Especially without letting them have any contact with their past, their family, and those who have always loved and cared for them. The trauma the kids are going through is so wrong an unnecessary. Just because someone has the lawful power to make decisions over someone else’s life it means they should. This is not in the best interest of the children. The mental and emotional well-being of the kids was not taken into account by the person who did this. We have to find a way to right this wrong. Please help us if you can. Mi hermana ha luchado una larga y ardua batalla por mantener la custodia de sus niños. Desafortunadamente la última persona que la representó legalmente, causó que quitaran custodia de los niños. Fueron removidos de nuestra familia a causa de una abogada quien falló a representarla correctamente. Los niños están viviendo con personas quienes son extraños para ellos sin poder tener comunicación con su familia, con quien vivieron toda su vida. Pedimos oraciones por Michelle, Jamison, Savannah y Miles. Y agradecemos cualquier donación para poder traer a los niños de regreso a casa. Por favor ayúdenos a compartir. Muchas gracias de todo corazón. Familia Casas González As many of you know my sister has been fighting an arduous and lengthy custody battle with her ex-husband, the details of which will not be discussed. After divorce in 2015, the father was not a part of the kids lives for a year and a half. He obtained overnight visitation in 2018 and today was granted primary physical custody. My sister is not allowed to have any type of contact with her kids for 3 months. We are in a desperate situation and need help as the court is only giving us 10 days to file an appeal. Our family has always worked together to make sure Jamison, Savannah, and Miles have everything they need to prosper. They have always lived a happy life with their mom, grandparents, aunt, and uncle around. So as you can imagine we are heartbroken and unfortunately, the legal costs of fighting to get them back are more than what we can afford at the moment. We do not want to publicly disclose too many details about what the past few years of this fight has been. But will gladly answer any questions privately if needed. If anyone is able to help financially we would greatly appreciate it. Please keep my sister, Jamison, Savannah, and Miles in your prayers. Thank you.
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