

Hello, friends. I want to introduce you to Tyler. Tyler is the son of one of my dearest friends, and he has reached a crossroad in his life. Tyler is a loving son, loyal friend, and phenomenal father. Last year, after realizing he had reached the end of himself, he voluntarily sought treatment and committed to a sober lifestyle. He’s witnessed God’s hand in every aspect of this remarkable climb up from his own rock-bottom. Tyler has done so much work on himself and in the community over the past year. He’s excelled in his career and been offered amazing opportunities because of his dedication, loyalty and leadership skills.  BUT NOW HE NEEDS OUR HELP!Tyler is more than a YEAR SOBER and still unable to see his children in any capacity. He has been denied any kind of visitation or phone calls. His written letters and packages are being rejected. Tyler was a stay at home dad for years and has a very strong and loving connection with Laila & Jakobi. Even if we set aside how much this is hurting Tyler, no argument on this planet supports robbing these kids of the deep and abiding love their father has to offer. Everybody is losing right now. Tyler is losing and his precious kids are losing. The truth is: Tyler is at war. He faces a legal battle that no sober, committed, loving father should have to face. The cost for him to fight for his basic human rights as a father is more than he can manage alone. He has already spent every last dime and extra penny he has had, to the tune of $10,000, on legal fees. So this is where I am asking for your help. I have set a lofty goal, but it pales in comparison to the injustice. It shouldn’t bankrupt a father to maintain a relationship with his children. The goal of $20,000 is HUGE, but if we all share out the need, he may be well on his way toward getting his family back. Would you consider a donation to help reunite Tyler with Laila & Jakobi?I invite you to pray over this worthy cause and offer up anything you can spare. Also, WOULD YOU PLEASE SHARE this need on your social media? THANK YOU! To know Tyler even better, please watch this video he created on the one-year anniversary of his sobriety:

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